Dependent Drop Down lists with php

It was pretty easy to figure out how to populate a drop-down list with the results from a PostgreSQL query in php/html, but doing so with multiple dependent drop-down lists proved to be a little bit more of a challenge.  I am writing a web-based training log and needed to figure out how to do this.  I used Ajax.  It looks incredibly simple, but it took a little while to get it figured out.  It didn’t help that most examples on the web are for mySQL and not PostgreSQL.

I also learned that I needed to alter Apache’s php5.conf file to allow php to run inline in an html file.

On a non-technical related note, I just finished reading George Orwell’s 1984.  An excellent read that had me thinking about throwing my cell phone into the river.

With 1984 done, I have moved on to Neal Stephenson’s Cryptonomicon.  I read Snow Crash, one of his previous books, enjoyed it, so I am giving this one a shot.  I found it used for six bucks.  At 900+ pages that’s a heck of a deal if it’s any good.

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