Cryptonomicon took a while


I finally finished reading Neal Stephenson’s Cryptonomicon.  I started it in October.  It was a really well-written book that had two story lines that didn’t converge until the book is nearly over.  One is set during WWII and the other in about 1997.  It involves the Allied struggle to break the axis’ encrypted communication and win the war.  It also has a treasure hunt element to it in that it also entails a search for a huge hoard of axis’ plundered gold.  Some of the details of the story are so intricate that I cannot help to think that it is a non-fiction account of an untold portion of history.  At nearly 1000 pages, this is a long book.  It is easily good enough to be made into a hit movie, but I think it would have to be greatly condensed to fit into 2 1/2 hours.  I chose this book because I previously read Neal Stephenson’s Snow Crash in college and really enjoyed it.  I have ordered a used copy of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World for my next read.  A Brave New World was recommended to me by a former co-worker who suggested that I watch Breaking Bad years ago.  I loved that show, so hopefully her recommendation of books is on par.

Scope Creep

I have not posted in quite a while.  I am about to wrap up a project that uses remote, wireless-communicating control panels to control the levels of six retention ponds in a municipality in Kentucky.  I am in the process of testing and putting the finishing touches on the HMI.  Here’s a screenshot of the overview screen:

This project was a challenge because I have not used Modbus in the last decade and I have not used AutoCAD to design a control panel in almost as long.  Everything came together pretty well, except for the Scope Creep part.  I have had long delays throughout the project getting information from the rep.  Now that everything is done, the rate of communication has suddenly hastened and I have been given requests for new “features”.  I have added the ability to enter a percentage limit for the gate valves, but features that require additional wiring have to be declined.  I hope to have the six panels shipped on Friday.