Stand by Me/The Breathing Method

In my last post I stated that I had read The Body by Stephen King and that I was going to watch the movie Stand by Me, which is based on it.  I found the movie on Amazon.  It seems like Netflix never has any of the old movies I am looking for.  Oh well, thanks Amazon!  I was happy to see that it was offered in HD.  The movie was made in 1986, but you weren’t given a hint of it’s age by watching it.   I am always amazed at how the Stephen King film adaptations use dialogue directly from the book.  No wonder he is so popular with film makers – he writes a great story and he also does the script!  The only really notable deviation of the film from the book is that in the movie Chris is the only one of Gordie’s friends that dies by the end of the movie.  In the book, Gordie, only 34 by the end of the book, is the only one to make it to the final chapter.  This does not effect the story much.  Some other minor deviations:

In the book, there is a scene with a shopkeeper that tries to rip Gordie off by  putting his finger on the meat scale and also short him on his change.  Gordie still goes to the shop in the movie, but the shopkeeper does not do anything that appears to be dishonest.  The book also has Gordie firing a .45 at Ace’s feet as he wades through swampy water.  This does not happen in the movie.  All this is fairly inconsequential.

If you have not seen Stand By Me, or you have not seen it in a long time, it is definitely worth watching.  It is one of Meathead’s (Rob Reiner’s) early directing efforts.  Rob Reiner is one a heck of a director.

With The Body finished, I ventured into one of the other novellas in Stephen King’s Different Seasons.  The story was called The Breathing Method.  I am really hesitant to explain too much of the story because I investigated it before I read it and learned of the ending before I read the story.  I was doing so to try to avoid reading something too creepy before bedtime.  Knowing the ending, however, kind of ruined it for me.  I will not reveal the ending and I suggest you do not look it up if you intend to read the story.

Set in the 1930’s, the story follows David, an aging attorney in a large Manhattan law firm.  David follows a plain, uneventful life.  Despite his age, he is not a partner.  One day, one of the senior partners of the firm invites him to an after-hours event on short notice.  David is apprehensive to go, but sees no options.  He attends and finds that it is a recurring event in the bottom floor of a Manhattan building where everything appears to be one-of-a-kind.  From the furnishings to the endless bookcases filled with the works of authors and publishers that do not seem to exist anywhere else.

The main point of this event and the recurring ones is the telling of great stories.  One is told by an old medical doctor who tells the story of a lovely young unwed woman who enters his office looking for help with her pregnancy.  She comes into the office long before it is obvious that she is pregnant and she makes regular monthly visits for check-ups.  The doctor was a general practitioner, but was very fond of delivering babies and devised a breathing method to assist women with their deliveries.   His new patient becomes a star pupil.  She takes to this breathing method and practices it religiously throughout the pregnancy.  In the end, the method really proves to deliver.  Oddly enough, for completely unrelated reasons, while I was reading this, my girlfriend took up the practice of doing meditative breathing exercises for five minutes prior to bed every evening.  This seemed to give additional realism to the story.  As far as Stephen King creepiness is concerned, the story is completely harmless until the very ending, at which point it is not.  I have been told that this story is going to be released as a feature film in 2020.

The Body

As explained at the end of my last post, The Body is a novella by Stephen King assembled into a collection of novellas named Different Seasons.  This story was fairly long for a novella.  If another couple of scenes were added, it could have filled out a 250 page novel.  It’s pretty hard to discern fact from fiction in this novel.  It is well known that Stephen King witnessed a friend of his get killed by a train as a youth.  There definitely seem to be elements of this event sprinkled into The Body.

The story follows a group of four 12 year-old boys through an adventure toward the tail end of summer.  They learn that a classmate’s body has been found after being hit by a train.  The body is initially discovered by an older brother and friend of one of the boys in the group.  The older brother and friend are afraid to reveal that they located the body because they found it while driving around in a stolen car.  The body is quite a distance from the boys’ neighborhood.  The adventure covers the boys’ thirty, or so, mile trek along the train tracks to find the body and hopefully, some notoriety.

The plan starts with all the boys asking their parents’ if they can camp out for the night in a friend’s field.  They setup a fake camp site complete with tent and lit flashlights and head out with sleeping mats in tow.  Their journey to find the body will take the better part of two days.

During the story the dis-function of each of the boy’s family is explained.  None are from great environments.  The main character, Gordie, who appears to be a young Stephen King, has the best upbringing of the group, but his family is troubled by the unexpected death of Gordie’s older brother.  Neglected by his distraught parents, Gordie narrates much of the story.  Gordie is revealed to become a famous author later in the story.  This is a primary reason for my suspicions that Gordie is a young Stephen King.

Stephen King does a great job of describing of the characters.  He provides just enough of the “essence” of the character’s physical appearance, mannerisms, and history to allow the reader to vividly fill in the rest.  I think this is key to much of his work.  Readers make the story somewhat “their own” by the way he creates characters and settings using just the essence of their characteristics.

There is a scene where the boys are camped out for the night and Gordie tells the story of “Lard ass Hogan”.  It is about a big chubby kid that turns a small town’s pie-eating contest into a barf-O-rama to get revenge on his fat-shaming tormentors.  I read this portion on a plane and had trouble not laughing out loud.

In the end the group of boys find the body, but decide not to report it.  The boys did a great deal of bonding during their adventure, but grow apart as they get older.  It is revealed that only Gordie makes it into his 30’s.  Memories of those few days with his friends stay with him forever.

This is a great story and it is prompting me to find the movie (Stand by Me)  on Netflix or Amazon to watch it again.