Cell Phone

Google has had a cell phone company for about two and a half years.  It is fairly inexpensive and offers a nice web interface to track usage.  I have had their service for about 14 months.  I previously had Verizon for many years and was happy with their service, but the bills were a little too high for my liking.  Project Fi is limited in their phone choices, but I am not too picky.  I had only two phones to pick from at the time I switched.  I am happy with the features of the Nexus 5x that I have been using.  The Project Fi service, however, is another matter.  For the past four months, I have rarely been able to place or receive a call on most occasions.  I am beginning to wonder what I am paying for.  I contacted Project Fi via email, and they were very quick to respond.  They sent me some obvious suggestions like restarting and updating my phone.  They also gave instructions on forcing a switching of providers.  Project Fi uses T-Mobile, Sprint, and US Cellular networks.  I have implemented their suggestions without any improvements.  Project Fi looked like a great idea, but I believe my little cell phone experiment is soon to be over.  I will be switching back to Verizon.

Dependent Drop Down lists with php

It was pretty easy to figure out how to populate a drop-down list with the results from a PostgreSQL query in php/html, but doing so with multiple dependent drop-down lists proved to be a little bit more of a challenge.  I am writing a web-based training log and needed to figure out how to do this.  I used Ajax.  It looks incredibly simple, but it took a little while to get it figured out.  It didn’t help that most examples on the web are for mySQL and not PostgreSQL.

I also learned that I needed to alter Apache’s php5.conf file to allow php to run inline in an html file.

On a non-technical related note, I just finished reading George Orwell’s 1984.  An excellent read that had me thinking about throwing my cell phone into the river.

With 1984 done, I have moved on to Neal Stephenson’s Cryptonomicon.  I read Snow Crash, one of his previous books, enjoyed it, so I am giving this one a shot.  I found it used for six bucks.  At 900+ pages that’s a heck of a deal if it’s any good.

Simatic MES

I have had an interest in MES systems for a while now and have been assigned to two days of training in Siemens Simatic MES system. I’ll be in this training all day today and tomorrow. This information should be really valuable.  I am psyched to be given this opportunity!


License generator

I have added links to the new license generator page. It will provide free single computer licenses for both the FHX_Parser and FHX_VersionExporter software when a user enters his/her email and name. Without the license, the software will operate with limited functionality.  It’s free!

Here’s the link:
The software itself, which provides the unique 24 digit code needed to generate the license, can be found here:




New webserver

Acquired Google domain name, Configured Linode, installed apache, installed postgres, postgres php plugins, wrote web pages, and installed WordPress last week.  I was a little rusty using Linux and writing web pages and I have never used Apache, Linode, or WordPress.   I am pretty happy with Linode and Apache.   I ran into a few issues with the Linode install, but was able to Google my way out of them.  I used postgeSQL with WordPress instead of the default MySQL.  I think that made things a little more difficult, but I like postgres, so it was worth it.


I learned some php and created a page that generates a license for each of the DeltaV tools I created and also logs the user’s information in a postgreSQL database table. The license generated will work on one computer. I will make the page public soon.