Foundation Finished

I finished Isaac Asimov’s Foundation novel.  The entire setting is in a far-off galaxy in the distant future.  The story shows how religion and economics influence and shape society.  The setting is futuristic and fictional, but the core of the story could easily be told with modern day Earth as a setting and each of the fictional worlds as different countries and their representative governments.  Asimov appears to have a keen understanding of how large groups of people function and malfunction as a society.  This novel could easily be made into several films.  I believe it would actually tell much better as a film.

There are far more characters in this book than most people are able to follow without backtracking, myself included.  Multimedia(film/tv) would allow this story to be told without the viewer/reader losing track of who is who.  There are five characters in the beginning  “Psychohistorian” chapters, nine in the “Encyclopedists” chapters, and fifteen in the “Mayors” chapters alone.  I have read that this novel was compiled as a “fix-up” – a collection of four short stories grouped as a novel.  There are two Foundation novels following this one, forming a Trilogy.  It does not appear that the other two novels were compiled in this manner.  I love the story-telling and writing style, but prefer a much shorter list of more-developed characters.   I recommend this book for the great insight that Asimov gives on human behavior, but believe most readers will find the voluminous cast of characters tiresome to follow.  I am likely going to read the next novel in the Foundation trilogy because I enjoyed the story-telling of Asimov and hope the following novels will be more cohesive as they were not written piecemeal as a collection of short stories.  For the time being, however, I already have a copy of Kurt Vonnegut’s Player Piano, so that is next on my list.

Microcosmic God

I misplaced my Foundations book last weekend, so I read Theodore Sturgeon’s Microcosmic God.  I became familiar with Theodore Sturgeon through reading Kurt Vonnegut’s novels.  Vonnegut has a fictional author named “Kilgore Trout” as a character in several of his novels.  Kilgore sounds like Theodore, and Trout is a fish just as a sturgeon is a fish.  Vonnegut and Sturgeon were friends and this is, presumably, why his fictional representation exists in Vonnegut novels.  The fictional character is a brilliant, but ignored author who is always a moment away from greatness that is inevitably cut short through a series of extremely unfortunate events.  Perhaps this mirrored Sturgeon’s own life?

Microcosmic God tells the story of an incredibly brilliant, reclusive inventor, Kidder, who, despite making many great inventions at a furious pace, is dissatisfied with his progress.  To combat this, Kidder engineers miniature, human-like species that he keeps in little half-acre, enclosed, worlds on his own private island.  These intelligent creations live entire lifetimes within months.  He employs these communities to do scientific research on his behalf.  They do several generations of scientific work every year to bring Kidder’s ideas to life.  One would worry that these brilliant little people would surpass Kidder’s intelligence and do away with him, but Kidder has thought of everything.  His creations were bred to breathe ammonia and find oxygen toxic, so escape from their little enclosed world is not an option.  Kidder is viewed by his creations as a God.  In the end, unfortunately, Kidder’s undoing is the outside human world.  A banker whose greed has skyrocketed off of Kidder’s continuous stream of profitable inventions forces Kidder to enclose himself and his island under an invisible dome.  A dome that presumably will come down after Kidder lives out his natural life and his little creations eventually figure out a way to take over Earth.

The Old Man and the Sea

I ditched Jack Kerouac’s novel.  I found myself having to give too much effort to read it.  It is well written in that it does a great job of describing events, but at 65 pages in, it was meandering with no apparent point.  I stumbled upon Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea on a shelf in a place I was staying at in Newport Beach.  It was a really easy read.  I have started a Hemingway novel before and lost interest.  I believe the novel was Death in the Afternoon.  Perhaps I did not enjoy it because I have no interest in bullfighting.  That aside, I really enjoyed The Old Man and the Sea in a Tom Hanks’ Cast Away sort of way.  There are really only two characters – the old man “Santiago” and a younger fisherman’s helper just referred to as the boy.  A great deal of the story is just the Cuban fisherman, Santiago, on his small skiff out in the ocean.  I found it amazing that Hemingway could create such an interesting story with so little in terms of character and setting.  This was a very short book – about 125 pages and I read it in just three sittings.  Anyone who enjoys the ocean would probably love this book.

Breakfast of Champions Finished

I finished Breakfast of Champions – the Kurt Vonnegut novel, not Caitlyn’s favorite cereal in a former gender.  The title comes from the phrase a cocktail waitress within the story says every time she serves a martini.  Kurt Vonnegut morphs the narration of the story from third person, slowly to that of him being the narrator by the last chapter.  He is also presented as a sort of Microcosmic God to the characters within.  Despite often moving the story haphazardly through space and time, the story is pretty easy to follow.  This is more a testament to the author’s story-telling prowess rather than the simplicity of his tales.  After I read Slaughterhouse Five, I could not believe how easily he moved his characters to other planets and eras.  That was a very complex story, but it was incredibly easy to read.  Most authors would lose their audience if they attempted such abrupt setting and character changes.  I really do not know how to categorize his work.  It has comic, dramatic, and science fiction elements, but it does not really fit into any of these categories.   His stories tell so easily, in fact, that I wonder if he had the ability to view the goings-on of some alternate universe and he was simply documenting it.  I have Player Piano, which I will get to soon, but I am going to likely read Desolation Angels (Kerouac) – another garage bookshelf find, or Foundations (Asimov) next.

Inventory System

Imagine being an engineer trying to gather parts to build your design:

You find a part on a shelf.  You can put your hand on it.  You can see the part number printed on it.  To order it for a project five people now have to get involved and you have to figure out how to get the part number to order it because the number on the box and the number on the shelf are different than the numbers you need to use to order it.   These numbers are also different than the manufacturer’s part number.  All the numbers that refer to this particular part appear to be unique.  Why are there so many unique numbers?  What is the point of them being unique if they all describe the same part?  These numbers also do not cross-reference each other in the SAP portals engineers have available to them.  How does this system not make the company less efficient and therefore less profitable?  Why is this idiotic system being employed?  If a person participates in this idiotic system does that make that person an idiot by proxy?  I believe that feeling is inescapable.  Perhaps a cone-shaped hat should be ordered as well?

Breakfast of Champions

I finished Into the Wild.  It was a very thought-provoking and interesting read.  It was a very easy read as well.  It makes you think about modern society and the importance of meaningful relationships.

I have moved on to Kurt Vonnegut’s Breakfast of Champions.   I am about 70 pages into it.  It is written with a similar tone to Slaughterhouse Five.  Very weird, but, so far very enjoyable.  It has the character Kilgore Trout in it just as Slaughterhouse Five did.  Not sure how to describe this one so far.  I have no idea where it is going.  The defective and highly-flawed characters are very amusing.  I found this book on the bookshelf in the garage, so Isaac Asimov’s Foundations will have to wait a little longer.

Into the Wild

I started reading Foundations and found I was feeling a little burnt out on science fiction.  I found Into the Wild on a bookshelf in the garage and was captivated by the first several pages, so I switched.  Foundations will have to wait a little while.  I saw the Sean Penn movie about a year ago, so I was familiar with the story.  The book reveals the ultimate outcome of the main character, Chris McCandless, fairly early in the book, so watching the movie has not spoiled anything.  I am about halfway through.  It’s a fairly short book so I hope to finish by the end of June.

Brave New World

I finished Brave New World!  It was a pretty quick and easy read compared to Cryptonomicon.  The first couple of chapters are amazing.  They paint a bizarre picture of a future where people are “manufactured” in a hatchery in large groups of identical people.  These groups are manufactured to meet society’s needs.

The groups – Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon are “made” to be happy with their role in society.  Alphas are the “superior” caste that have the highest intelligence and are selected to lead the others.  Epsilons have limited intelligence and are bred to be happy doing menial tasks.  The Betas, Gammas, and Deltas span the gap between the Alphas and Epsilons.  People are to operate socially within their respective castes.  Sex exists, but no one is to be exclusive with another and reproduction is not supposed to happen outside of the manufacturing process.  There are no close personal relationships as they exist in reality.  People are created on a production line, so there are no mothers or fathers.  Children are raised as groups and programmed according to their designated caste.  No one grows old.  They suffer a quick demise at 60 years.

The author, Aldous Huxley, gives many ruminations on sex, society, and religion.  This book was published in 1932, so it had to be done very creatively.  I am sure it was pushing censorship boundaries for its time.  Its imagery is very tame by today’s standards, but the philosophies being discussed are still very relevant.  Many have compared this book to Orwell’s 1984.  Both books present a sort of future dystopia , but do so in very different manner.   I think this book would make a great movie.  I can’t believe it has not happened yet (apart from made-for-tv movies).  Hollywood keeps recycling stories, some of which weren’t worthy of an initial telling.  They ought to do this one.  The CGI needed to create  the “duplicate” people required for this movie is available now.  This might have been something that prevented this movie from being made 20 years ago.  I definitely recommend this book.

I am planning to start on Isaac Asimov’s Foundation next.

Private Posts

Apparently it is trivial to make posts private in WordPress.  I am now using this feature to log work done during the day.  A great way to document things.  Just add a post per usual, but check this box before publishing:

Thank you WordPress!

Cryptonomicon took a while


I finally finished reading Neal Stephenson’s Cryptonomicon.  I started it in October.  It was a really well-written book that had two story lines that didn’t converge until the book is nearly over.  One is set during WWII and the other in about 1997.  It involves the Allied struggle to break the axis’ encrypted communication and win the war.  It also has a treasure hunt element to it in that it also entails a search for a huge hoard of axis’ plundered gold.  Some of the details of the story are so intricate that I cannot help to think that it is a non-fiction account of an untold portion of history.  At nearly 1000 pages, this is a long book.  It is easily good enough to be made into a hit movie, but I think it would have to be greatly condensed to fit into 2 1/2 hours.  I chose this book because I previously read Neal Stephenson’s Snow Crash in college and really enjoyed it.  I have ordered a used copy of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World for my next read.  A Brave New World was recommended to me by a former co-worker who suggested that I watch Breaking Bad years ago.  I loved that show, so hopefully her recommendation of books is on par.